I think one of the traits I learned from my mom was not to hang onto "stuff". We definitely have sentimental items that we keep as heirlooms, and photos for memories, etc. but as far as clothing and trinkets, and do-dads and what-cha-ma-call-its, I learned the value of decluttering from mom at an early age, and I actually enjoy doing it. I often look around my house and think - "Wow! where did all this stuff come from?" And I almost feel anxiety rising up in me the moment it starts to get out of hand. There are a lot of books out there that can help you on your way if you don't know how to get started. For me, I tend to attack it in this order. CLEANING 1-2-3 1 - Almost every night before bed, I walk around the house first getting rid of garbage and recycling that take up extra space. These are items like opened envelopes, empty beer cans, opened packets, tissues, etc. that have piled up throughout the day. Since it's daily it doesn't take too l...