Tonight my husband and I were fortunate enough to attend the Crave Young Adults Meeting at our church. It was so great! We left the kids at home with Nan - and just enjoyed a night out.

As the night unfolded, I kept thinking this was the best kind of church. We were together worshiping God, sharing God stories, and praying for and supporting one another. It was easy going and genuine. It was particularly encouraging to hear Meg share her stories from her recent trip to Canada, Malaysia and Thailand...and actually hear that God is moving TODAY! Amazing stories of God directing the team to specific people/places, and God using them to speak healing into people's lives! So inspiring.

Dean shared about his next venture in joining the police force - and we were able to gather around and pray for him too. As well as hear Bec's plans to "give everything up", to serve Him in Africa.

Rachael and the team, did an amazing job of leading worship as well, and as I sat back and tasted the goodness of it all, I suddenly saw how privileged I was to be a part of what God was doing here in Ballarat.

Psalm 34:8 says "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

It reminds me of the song some friends of ours in YWAM wrote... Taste and See by 100 Hours. Here's the song. Sorry there's no real video - but you can listen to it at least.


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