I know that tomorrow is actually the "FEAST" day in lent, but today is a real celebration for our family.
Today we were able to celebrate a wedding! Leigh's brother Mark married his beautiful bride Lauren. It was so sweet as they asked the boys to be in the wedding as well. They got to travel down the aisle in a cute little red wagon. it was very sweet that we got to be a part of their day. The boys did so well!!!
Mark and Lauren, we pray that you will have a blessed marriage - full of laughs and surprises, and joys and adventures! We look forward to being on the journey with you as you "grow old together". Happy Wedding Day! And have fun on that epic honeymoon!
Today is also Leigh's dads birthday! Happy birthday Ross! We're so happy to have you in our lives and so blessed that our little boys get to know you! We hope this year continues to bring you more joy and happiness! We all love you deeply!

And lastly - our boys are 5 months today! Who can believe they are 5 months already? Incidentally this is about the same amount of time I was on bed-rest with them too. Kai and Levi, we love you so much! We can't wait to see what the future holds! You are so special to us. Looking forward to many more joys! Love and big kisses... Mommy xo
