Today I was having a chat with my sister, and was contemplating how God sometimes works. It's like we have a plan set for ourselves, and wish and hope and pray it comes to be, only to find out that there are a dozen roadblocks in the way. Then you have to decide whether you have to spend the energy and time to work through those roadblocks, or choose another path. Sometimes it's right to spend the effort on fighting for your plan, and sometimes it's right to let it go and find that there was even something better out there for you.

I guess the hardest part is knowing which one to do. Sometimes both options are good options. And sometimes when I'm asking God about it, I don't hear either way. In these cases I wonder if He may be giving me the option to decide, so that I have the responsibility of the outcome. For example if I chose one way, and something went wrong, I couldn't blame Him for the outcome as I had made the decision to do it myself. This really causes me to "man (or woman) up" and not just fluff my way through my decisions.

Sometimes He's asking me to wait...and I often don't like that as an answer! But as always, His timing is perfect! He knows what's best for me... I just wish I always knew what was best for me and had the courage to do it as well!


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