Praise - Day 9

Praise Him that He is our hope.

When I was young I dreamt that I would be in this kick-ass band that would travel the world using our music to influence people for good. I dreamt that we would fight for justice and peace and help bring hope to a hurting world. I would live dressed in black for the rest of my days.

Here I am 43 years old and my dream hasn’t exactly become a reality yet. I mean I do wear a lot of black- but I’m not exactly living the dream...(peels dirty socks off the chair before sitting down)

For starters I’m not the most amazing singer. I mean I can hold a tune and I have passion in truckloads... but is that enough to cast everything aside to pursue a living out of it? Wisdom says no.
However- I still have this dream- a dream-  that is now dormant or dusty, just sitting there on the shelf looking at me waiting for its moment to shine.
What do I do when life gets in the way of my dreams?

I know some lose hope...
And I get it. Sometimes it’s too hard to hold on to hope when the reality of life is smacking you in the face.
I feel like I have one of two options.
I can let it go and allow myself to grieve that loss- and believe me I know sometimes we have to do that. There’s an old pair of jeans in the cupboard that told me so.
Or secondly I can hang on to hope. I can believe that maybe one day it can happen. And keep pointing my life in that direction until I find it.

There’s something extraordinary about believing that someday my dreams could come true.
There is something extraordinary about hope.

When we hope it gives us purpose and passion and vision and focus. And gumption to keep moving forward.

Psalm 31:24 says
Be strong and take heart
All you who hope in the Lord

In other words don’t let go of that hope we have in the Lord. Keep going!
Keep believing in that hope!

Hope that he’s got this in His hands
Hope that He’s working things out for good
Hope that He is faithful and that His promises are good.

Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for He who promised is faithful.

Today let’s praise God for the hope we have in Him even if we have been disappointed or our dreams haven’t been realised. Let’s remember He is faithful and sovereign over all.

Listen to:

He is Faithful by Brian and Katie Torwalt


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