Praise- Day 4

Praise Him in the face of suffering 

We live in a fallen world- which means we will face injustices, difficulties and hardships of many kinds.

I’m sure many of you have stories of your own to attest to that fact.
I too- have stories of grief, pain, anxiety, hurt, loneliness helplessness, and fear.

In the midst of that I can see the goodness of God. I know it can seem strange to say that God is good in the midst of chaos and pain  (believe me- I edited out an entire epistle of a loving and just God in a world of suffering of pain-  as I felt the focus for this exercise isn’t meant to be on why things happen as much as my response to what is happening around us)

So instead, let’s look at what we have to Praise Him for amidst these adversities.

Every time I look back- especially on really difficult times... I can see how the hand of God had been in everything I faced.
Truth: He never leaves me. I am not alone. Even if I don’t “feel” Him at the time.
Truth: He can use these situations for good even if we can’t see it at the time.
Sometimes it’s not until lifetimes later that we can see how these hardships shaped us or developed us or prepared us for what was to come.

To praise Him in suffering- means I will trust His goodness. And when I don’t- I just have to look at the times that He has been faithful and be reminded that there hasn’t been one time that He has ever fallen short.  He may not have answered my prayers the way I wanted- but He has always been with me through whatever I’ve faced- giving me strength and wisdom and love when I needed it.

I am reminded of Jospeh from the Bible who faced all sorts of horrible injustices- sold into slavery at the hands of his own brothers... for example- and yet through it all God allows it to happen only for Joseph to say to his brothers after it is all behind him:
“Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50: 19-20

Joseph saw that God had a plan -for good- even in what was intended for harm.

And so we praise in our suffering believing God had a plan for good in the midst of it.

The author suggests listening to worship song: Forever Reign by Hillsong Live or I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin.

Today I choose the song: Goodness of God by Bethel
I hope this song blesses you and encourages you today whatever you are facing...


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