Praise - Day 10

Praise Him for being my refuge.

We are often faced with the storms of this life. And I for one am thankful that I have somewhere to hide when I’m fearful or discouraged or scared. He wraps me in His loving arms through Hs words in scripture - as I read more and more about His love and care for me.

Today as a staff we were reading the story of Jesus walking on water in Matthew 14:22-36.
Jesus and His disciples were all in a boat and a fierce storm came upon them.
It struck me that Jesus-upon seeing the worry and fear upon his disciples - didn’t immediately just take away the “threat” to protect His own friends that He dearly loved.
Instead he uses this highly “out of control” situation to teach something to his followers He could never have taught otherwise- if he had “kept them safe”.
He took the time to teach them- when you are in the storms of life- and you want to see miraculous things happen- be sure you keep your eyes fixed on me. 

It wasn’t because he calmed the storm that that the disciples faith was increased. It was thru the challenges they faced that they really saw Jesus and His power.

Today I run to Him- my refuge- and thank God I can hide in His love. But also- I give praise for the ways He teaches me thru the storms in life I face.

Listen to: (click below)

Whom Shall I Fear- by Chris Tomlin


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