What is your passion or dream? Take a minute and actually think about it. If you had no other responsibilities, no other constraints or obligations to honour, what would you be doing? If money or status wasn't a factor, what would you be giving your full attention to?

Imagine if we all took the chance to follow our passions or dreams. I wonder what the world would be like then. Would we be as lethargic and apathetic as we are now? What kind of chances would we be taking? Who would we become? What kind of world would we be living in then?

I often think we can be the biggest obstacles standing in our own way of seeing our passions realised. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be accountable to our families and responsibilities etc. but what I am saying is that sometimes we may be missing out on an exciting life adventure, just because we don't allow ourselves to dream! What if we dared to dream? Would we be living differently than we do now?

It's unfortunate that our insecurities end up controlling our courage to dream. We assume that our dreams are too impossible, or that choosing to follow them means we have to give up on everything else. We second guess our ability. We underestimate the validity of our passion, and talk ourselves into thinking it's stupid. We can become cynical towards our dream/passion especially if we have been burnt before. We can be mean and nasty to others who are bold enough to dream and follow their passion, simply because seeing others succeed twinges jealousy in our own hearts.

BUT, what if we were confident enough to believe in our dreams? What if we believed in the impossible? What if we knew there was an adventure waiting for us that was exciting and thrilling?

One of my jobs while working at YWAM Vancouver was heading up the "MISSIONS MOBILISATION" team. Basically this meant that I was "helping people find their passions and helping them pursue them." I think we are all given different passions, and I believe there is nothing more rewarding than seeing your passion realised and fulfilled. Unfortunately I think that many of us struggle with even knowing what our dream is, let alone having the tools to pursue it. We often just don't have the time!

Today take a minute and let yourself really dream....

Here's an online test that can help you identify your passions and goals.
[Click here - T1Q]
It is helpful in discovering more about yourself, your passion, and your dreams. I hope you learn something about yourself!


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