Joy and Sorrow

On Thursday night, Leigh and I headed to Melbourne. It was a bitter sweet event.
1. We reached our 2 month anniversary. (Joy)
2. My mac hard-drive died - (Sorrow)
It is truly difficult for me to say this especially after all the times I've spent claiming superiority. Yet it has been 4 years of no trouble, and we went into a great MAC place, and they were super helpful - they're able to save the files, and put a double-the size- hard drive in for $200, and it will be better than good-as-new. Which turned my sorrow into joy!
3. Sight Seeing (Joy and Sorrow)
I love Melbourne. It is a beautiful city, and Leigh and I spent some time walking the streets getting familiar with the sites. The skyscrapers are very unique and beautiful! We had a great time, however with the cost of parking, I should have just hired a chauffer for the day! It cost us over $30 for 2 hours. YIKES!
3. We saw SIMON!!!! (incredible Joy!)
It was great to hang out with an old friend from YWAM Vancouver. He was thrilled to see us, and commented on how strange it was to have us (especially me) here in his city. He seems to be doing well, and told us how things were going with him in his new job. Basically he's getting paid good money for doing what he did in Vancouver. He's been glad to have a few bucks now to play with. He's happy. It's been good for him to be with his family for awhile. Strange to be here after being gone for so long. It will be harder to leave next time. When asked about his return to Vancouver, he said that he would be glad to one day, but has been taking his time in getting there. We concluded our day with a McDonald's coffee. Oh Simon, we love you!
4. Actor's Showcase (Sorrow and Joy)
We had actually intended to go to Melbourne for this event, as Leigh's brother Dean was showcasing his talent as Mr. singer and actor. This was their final show after 3 years of hard work in University studying performing arts. There were many agents, execs, and others there to see their talent. This was a night that they hoped to be realized. That, mixed with emotions of being in their final show together as comrades, created an intensity even I could feel - one who's not directly involved at all.
The first half of the show, was an all acting show. It was a very extreme presentation with numerous expletives, and sexual connotations that would say I'm willing to do anything. Maybe the hope was to create authentic pieces to show "everyday occurences" but I felt uncomfortable and annoyed as I thought there could have been many other ways they could have showed the same idea without having to sell themselves short. There was one exceptional piece with the waitress and her guy friend customer which I really enjoyed.
The second half was much better, but may be because of my love for musical theatre. It was creative and funny, and the dancing was quite good too. Dean did an excellent job!
Way to go Bro!
That was my day in Melbourne...
great to stay in touch with all your going-ons and musings. i am glad that [over all] you are enjoying your time down under.
i miss you...its been so long hasn't it?! are you sure you can't swing by through london on the way home..?!
lemme know,
love. h. x