1 month Anniversary

Here's photos on the day that Leigh and I celebrated our 1 month anniversary - just 2 days after our Aussie wedding. Note our mode of transport in the background...Leigh absolutely loves this baby...and I chalk it up as a "fun-ride" like at an amusement park or something...Sure is amusing.
So we got ALL gussied up, and got in the UTE and went out to a restaurant called "Tellers". We ate....
yup you guessed it

Actually Leigh got the Kangaroo because after meeting such cute animals I opted for steak inside. I mean who cares about cows anyways? he he he

Well, truth be told by the end of the meal, I had tried a bite or two, or three???...
Mmmmm Cajun Kangaroo?

I also bought a hat. Persuaded by Lindsey's story as well as the big thing coming up....the Ballarat Cup!

The whole town goes out and celebrates the horse races. All the ladies dress up to the nines, and everyone wears a big eccentric hat. So cool!

Based out of Britain, I believe, however, the Aussie's keep it aussie style, by overlooking the "refinery" of it all...and guzzling back a few beers. On the occasion I hope to get a few photos to show you all.


Ariana said…
Happy 1-month anniversary!! (Already??)
Lindsey said…
congrats on your 1 month anniversary! how exciting! and i am sooo excited about your hat. make sure you post a picture of it! i am so jealous you have an occasion to wear one! how cool it that? the only thing i have to go on is rachels wedding where i will definitly be wearing the biggest hat i can find!
love the pictures!
Reesh said…
Awesome car! Happy anniversary! I love your blog, it's great to see and read up about your post wedding adventures. I am very jealous you got to hang out with a kanga. One day I too will make it to the land down under...
Kristina said…
tell leigh thats the coolest car ever! thanks for the photos. sounds like your having the best time ever wandering around aussie land.
Oh Joy said…
Dear Leigh, God put me, your new big sister, in your life for just this moment. To be the voice of reality and reason...that car just ain't cool!

Is the hat the same size as you? What if it it's just an elaborate Aussie joke on forgeiners? What if no one really wears the big hat? That'll be funny!
Kim Arpin-Ricci said…
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Heather said…
wow so many new posts this week i am going crazy. i love hearing and seeing all the cool things that are happening out there. thanks for the call yesterday. it was amazing to hear your voice. i love you ange!
Mark said…
That is no car. It's a UTE. If you don't have a Ute your just not cool. We all can't drive a Van Glenna.

I’m glad that you both had a great time Angie. The hopping steak does taste great doesn’t it?
Oh Joy said…
Wow. Someone is a little over-sensitive when it comes to his bro's mode of transportation! I don't care if it IS a UTE, it is just plain not stylin'.
Mark said…
You live on a farm, drive a Soccer Mom car and say stylin'. Mmmm, i don't think anyone within 100 miles of you even knows what that means.
Oh Joy said…
I am here to teach them my friend. If they don't know what 'stylin' means then they should turn to me to help them.

And I have no issue with my "soccer mom" van. Did you not SEE how hot I looked in it??????? By the way, your electrical work passes inspection.

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