Look out Valentino!

Today I decided to do something new. Here is the new top I MADE today! I KNOW...crazy eh?

I was so shocked when I finished it, and half liked it. This is my test run, before I actually was going to attempt the REAL-DEAL... And here in the end I actually like the Cheap fabric I found for this test run. Who knows maybe I'll like it better than the real thing?


Oh Joy said…
What the heck? You are driving in a cartruck (sorry Mark, a UTE), kissing kangaroos and now SEWING YOUR OWN CLOTHING????? You need to come home to big sister BADLY.

If you start playing soccer I might have to come there and GET you.
Heather said…
hey hey hot mama! nice job. has glenna always been so funny? miss you lots.
jamie said…
wow ange how exciting... i didnt know you could make things. You should sell them.
Oh Joy said…
Oh yes, Glenna is HYSTERICAL! Funniest chick around. And hot too. Can you BELIEVE that girl has had THREE kids??????

Reesh said…
I wish I was somewhere where I could wear a sleeveless top and still be warm. Soak it up girl, it's been raining for a week straight here in Vanpooper...

...and the top looks FABULOUS!!
Heather said…
no i can't and if i look half as good as she does when i have pinto i will be a happy girl. so there.
j. oates said…
hey hottie! i love the top...teach me to sew too......
Mark said…
I saw the effort Angie put into this first hand.
It only took her like a day or two.

Talk about havin the skills.
Oh Joy said…
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Oh Joy said…
Heather - you will look just as fabulous post-pinto as you do now. But if you don't believe me test the theory.

Mark - what the heck are you doing sitting around for two days watching Angie sew??? Shouldn't you be out there looking for a date, I mean employment????
Heather said…
ange - in response to your comment on my blog. yes it is mary from nz. isn't that great. and yes i love the 3D ultrasound. i really want to. we have our first appointment with our midwives on tues. very exciting stuff.
Oh Joy said…
ARE YOU PREGNANT HEATHER??????? I didn't hear this!!! Really??? Are you???? Congrats!
Angela Oliver said…
I know isn't that the greatest news??? Heather and Dave's little one...Pinto.

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