10 Things I Love About Australia

10. Kangaroos
9. The Ute
8. The Weather
7. Speed "Limits" hardly exist
6. Half-Full-Flush Toilets
5. Cheese is half the price as in Canada.
4. Round-A-Bouts
3. Tim-Tams
2. No tax or tipping required.
1. The People (esp. Sarah!)

Tell me the 10 favourites of where you are...


Oh Joy said…
Really? The UTE? Are you sure? And did you mean to say "Tim Bits"? B/C that I (and your newphew) would get. And you are allergic to cheese. So really you should be GRATEFUL to Canada for over-charging or you'd be stuffed up and bloated forever! And no speed limit sounds dangerous...especially in the UTE, it doesn't look totally safe. And half-flushers sound really unsanitary.

Just trying to keep you in love with Canada lest you not come home!!!! Don't love it too much we need you back. (it was hard to argue with the Sarah thing...she's pretty great! Though a certain daughter wants her to get back here and paint her nails.)

I'll blog my top 10 tomorrow. It'll be hard to top Kangaroos but I'll come up with SOMETHING.
Larph said…
ang, get your arse back to canada w/ your husband asaflippingp.

miss you

ralph //
jamie said…
haha ange did you notice that yesterday your google add was for snake repellent?? lol that makes me laugh.... you should click on it yourself ;)

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