It's funny I could detect strong characteristics of personality in our boys right from birth. Kai has always been outgoing like his mother. Quick to smile and spend time with people. Most happy when he's in the middle of the commotion. Laughing easily. Please don't put him to bed when people are visiting! It's so hard for him to be away from the action! Levi is very similar to his father. He loves to spend time with 1-2 people that he's very close to. If there are crowds of people around, he's happiest if you put a blanket over his head - literally. He even prefers if you put him in his bed when people are visiting so he doesn't have to connect with them. He often makes strange and is content to play on his own.

Kai has always been relational and emotional and Levi, analytical and observant. As an example, when I'd show them a toy, Kai would excitedly wave his arms, and grin and love that I was interacting with him, whereas Levi would furrow his brow examine the toy, and scrutinize how the toy actually worked. This doesn't mean that Kai isn't observant or that Levi doesn't enjoy laughing. It's just what they are naturally inclined to do, and I love that they are so different from each other.

I have learned a lot by being married to an introvert and as a high functioning extrovert myself, I have learned that I actually like to have time alone every now and then too. I've even found that as I've grown older, I enjoy these "me" times more and more. Maybe it's because I expend so much energy on things during the day that stopping to catch my breath is actually a welcome break. Or maybe it's because I've finally learned how to be content and can actually sit with myself in silence and not be uncomfortable anymore - being that I'm more confident with who I am, where I'm going, and where I've come from.

Whatever it is, I do like time to myself. And I understand a whole lot more why introverts like to block the rest of the world out. The times I feel most at peace are when I'm sitting and staring at the ocean on a warm day, with no immediate agenda, just watching the waves roll in, or when I'm sitting in front of a warm fire on a cold day sipping a hot coffee. I could stare at the flames for hours. I also love driving without a destination, blaring the music and just letting my mind wander wherever it pleases. Or watching the sunset, or reading an epic story, listening to music, creating something (for someone)...etc.

These are definite things I love to do on my own, but as an extrovert, after awhile, I begin to imagine who I can have join me in these peaceful times - to share the moment with... And then slowly the private time becomes public and I'm back to my regular extroverted self, my comfort desire to share life with all my favourite people!


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