Sad news

Yesterday at our staff pinawa conference, Leigh went to enjoy a natural waterslide in an activity time, and lost his wedding band.

It was in the middle of the rapids so it's not likely to be seen again. He had tried to take it off before getting in the water, but wasn't able to.

I am sad. Good thing the ring is just a symbol. But we are so close to our 1 year anniversary...


Kristina said…
you had me going there for a bit, though it is sad to loose the ring. the computer was taking along time to load your page and it wouldnt scroll down. so all I saw for a while there was "sad news" and the rapid picture....dont do that!
Rachel said…
me too heart sank!
that does really suck though.
i cant believe its 2 years ago since we were in that exact same place watching you go down!!
Oh Joy said…
I didn't think you drowned. I figured I'd hear of that. But I am sooooo sad that Leigh lost his ring. I totally understand that it can be replaced physically but not emotionally (I lost the wedding earing remember???). I am so sorry!!!! I doubt you'll find it. May it rest in peace. So sad.
Ariana said…
Dude! Yeah! Don't title a post" sad news" and have a picture of whitewater rapids! Really, now.

I thought I'd be the one to let you know... the video in your sidebar makes your page take forever to load, even for me, and I have vair fast internet. I can only imagine what it does for anyone on dial-up.

That IS sad about the ring, but it's important to remember that's it's just a thing. Just a week or two ago, I lost an earring from a set that Sezzy gave me in the airport as I was heading home, and I felt pretty sad, but I had to remind myself that it's only an earring, not a symbol of our friendship, and losing it doesn't mean that I lost Sezzy! It makes for a good story, if nothing else. At least he lost it doing something cool. I lost the earring doing... nothing. Walking around the mall, I think.
Carlene said…
That is so sad! You guys must be feeling horrible. I lost the diamond from my engagement ring once but Ross replaced it for our wedding aniversary a few year later. Actually I am pretty sure Mark ate the diamond at age 18 months! I had found it after it fell from the ring and it was on my dresser. I came in and found Mark devouring lipstick and everything on the dresser. The ring box was open and the diamond gone! I scoured the room and every nappy for weeks but no diamond! Maybe its still inside???
Leanne said…
i'm going to have to go with steener on this one. maybe you've learned your lesson not to title something sad news when you have that active x thing that loads...for a majorly long time before you can read the blog. but i too am sorry that the ring is gone. once again, i agree with ariana that he lost it while doing something cool. ;)
Oh Joy said…
Mark ate your lipstick? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Is there any pictures of that?

Still sorry 'bout the ring.

And really if something terrible happened wouldn't you more likely use the words "terrible", "devastating", "tragic" or "horrendous"? I think that "sad" fits perfectly. And I am sad for you. Mom said Dad lost his first ring in the mix-mill (that's farm-talk).
Heather said…
man you guys are dramatic. if something super tragic happened do you think she's be blogging about it.. i'm sorry about the ring too.. that sucks. at least your husband wore you can't wait to see you tommorow.
Angela Oliver said…
sorry for the scare folks! It's true, that i did try to use a word "fitting" for the occasion..which for me at the time was 'sad'.,....and like Heather and glenna said, i'd never blog a 'tragedy'.
now you all know for the future!

I hear what you say ariana - still makes me sad - it's different when it's a symbol used on your wedding day than a gift from a friend i'd say tho...

In all honesty - Leigh is more sick about the whole thing, than I am. I know "intellectually" it's JUST a ring...but deep down, it's not, and I actually don't think that makes me materialistic about it all.
I'm sad and that's all.
wow, that was crazy just reading peoples comments...chicks are really crazy...this whole page is like a chick fest...ha ha...oh ange, i miss you and leigh a lot!! i hope you have lots of fun on your trip...
Oh Joy said…
Angie of COURSE it is more than just a ring! And of COURSE it's not materialistic to be sad. And it is MUCH different than an earring from a friend or even an earring that you got on your wedding day from your man. We include those rings in our wedding vows, we have them prayed over. It's our symbol to the world. Of course it can be replaced and eventually it won't give you that sick feeling when you think of it on the bottom of a river bed or swimming around in some fishy tummy--but you will always be sad about it (thus it is indeed SAD NEWS!). I am sorry for you and I am really sorry for Leigh!
Carlene said…
Well said Glenna.
Me too.
Kristina said…
my dad's parakeets are driving me insane!
Crystal said…
I totally get how you feel. My hubby lost his a few years after we were married. I think is was 3 or 4 months later after we had searched the house and all his pockets and change dishes and everywhere that is showed up in the change dish next to the bed. I had checked it everyday since he lost it. We were lucky. It is sad though because as Glenna said they are a huge part of a wedding ceremony which begins all our marriages. He now always takes it off when in the water or going anywhere cold.
Larph said…
Did I miss a cyber-fight?!

ok. I'm just disturbing the poop. Back to my hole.
joanna said…
i would just like to say even though this caht is really done, but i want to be in on it too, that
a) wade lost his wedding ring in a river before we were married for a year and is was awful!
and b) i flushed my mum's engagement ring down the toilet when i was 2....
apparently that was awful too!

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