The End of Faith

You guys have to check out the video feed I've put on the side (if you have high speed) from the Colbert Report, one of my favourite evening talk shows on NBC...


Mark said…
Great video
Ryan said…
Way to go Colbert!!
soo good!!
Oh Joy said…
I feel as though you are mocking me for being on dial-up. I don't feel good about that.
Ariana said…
Honestly, who do I have to make out with around here to get my blog in the sidebar?
Carlene said…
Well, hopefully not Leigh or Ange!!!!
Ariana said…
Hopefully no one! Hee.
Benjamin said…
What, wait a second God's not real now? I can't keep up, would someone please tell me what to believe.

Gunna call you soon so be ready!
Kristina said…
so the "writer" was using rationality to prove his point, but making the asumption that virgin births and prophets going up to heaven on winged horses is absurd. yet he has no proof of that except his perception on what "rational" is. the "christian" guy was just being ignorant on matters of world view and trying to "rationalize" faith in the worlds perspective..that doesnt work.

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