home again home again jiggity jig

I honestly have the cutest nieces and nephew in the world. It has been awesome being at home. Although it's been like the arctic here! - It's FREEZING cold...so those preparing for the wedding...be aware! At this point I"m not too sure what to do. I didn't bring enough clothes here to keep warm...no jacket, nor closed toe shoes...hey maybe an excuse to go shoe shopping?

and the wedding!!! it's still 5 weeks away...the big question being...should I go ahead with the outdoor wedding??? or pay much extra and go to the town hall??? what to do what to do...I have had a chance to go to the spa with my sister-in-law (FABULOUS!) and we've actually tried to master pilates...the beginner part on the beginners' tape..we are really starting at the lowest of the low! my power core is getting stronger...what an embarrassment I am to the pilates world!!

actually i found that just sitting up straight was a work out in itself!!! help!

I miss Leigh too...He's in Thailand now - back on Friday and here in SK by Saturday..I can hardly wait. He's called me 3 x and I've been out every single time...


Kristina said…
ange, just dont where white socks with your sandals.
jamie said…
my mom always used to say 'home again home again flippity flop' what the heck is that from? I thought she made it up ;)

is the wedding place you were talking about called something like the wilderness lodge or whatever? like a big log cabbiny thing on the water? i looked at a place like that on line.. looks nice! I am looking at 2 more places today so hopefully they work out. good luck with planning and things!!
Courtney said…
Congrats on your wedding! I was plesantly surprised to stumble onto your blog! I'm very happy for you and know that marriage is such a gift from God! Enjoy this time before the wedding... and enjoy being married! I'm so very excited for you! Blessings!

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