My friend Joanna suggested I try this "FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY" challenge. It is to help your writing. A topic is given and you literally have 5 minutes to "dare to become Word Artists. To throw editing and proof reading and critically raised eyebrows out the window. We finger paint with our words – in pink and blue and dark purple. In glitter glue and bright green. Just five minutes. No more. No less."

The topic for this week was "STILL"... Here goes...


At the beginning of this year, I wrote a blog post about how busy and hectic life can be - and how stressed out we can be in our lives by putting pressure and expectations on ourselves. So I chose to try and spend 3o minutes a day "de-stressing" or being still. It was what I needed at the time - and hard work...What comes to mind when I think of the word still: peaceful, quiet, tranquil, breathing, wide open spaces, relax.

Since then, my view of STILL has changed. I am 23 weeks pregnant with twins, and have been put on complete bedrest. It is difficult to enjoy being STILL when forced into it. STILL becomes JAIL (GAOL) or feeling confined or feeling frustrated. It is not relieving. I have to lie still to bring life to these two precious children, and my body screams at me in agony. I must keep my mind active, when my body is STILL - or I will go insane. But it's all for a worthy cause...

I hate the word STILL when put in front of born. It is depleting, and drowning. It is gasping and mourning, weeping and sorrow...It is unbearable pain.


well I didn't mean to stop on such a low. Without editing it's hard to leave the reader feeling inspired. But I enjoyed the challenge immensely - I explored where I didn't imagine I'd go...


Kiwirose said…
Thanks so much Ange, your honesty is moving and challenging, and I know I am thinking a lot more about words like 'STILL' recently.
*big hugs*

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