Well there has been encouragement from a few that since I've been put on bedrest - I should write more often - especially on my blog... To be honest, I've sort of avoided writing as I journey down another path that I can't control. This path has connections to the past that conjure up all sorts of emotions - that include fear and anxiety as well as connects with a future that contains adventures full of joy and hope. I often feel stuck as far as how I feel - let alone know how to write it down. But then I thought maybe this will help me, even though it is so vulnerable.

In 2 days, I will be 22 weeks with these 2 precious babies of mine. That is almost 3 weeks longer than I carried Isaiah and Tori Jane last year. Every day is a battle - overcoming fear that I might lose the kids again - yet every time I fear, something comes up to help me overcome - and I believe it's the love and the faith of the others carrying me on the wings of their prayers...

There have been so many people praying for me ALL OVER THE WORLD - and as little ol' me sits here in Ballarat Australia - it is so humbling to think that there are churches in Mexico and in Canada that don't even know me that are praying for the safe delivery of these children. There are small groups, and churches all across Canada praying and supporting me as well as friends and family around the globe taking time-out to lift their spirits and hearts to intercede for us. I have been privileged enough to work with many people who love Jesus deeply and have used their relationship with Him to pray on our behalf - and that is a truly humbling thought.

I believe this is what has helped to combat my fears in the hard moments when I'm alone in my bedroom on bedrest, waiting for Leigh to come home from work. Love of the saints - love of my friends and family - to pray for us without ceasing and to believe that God has a plan for these children. 1 John 4:18 says "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

We have never thought God was punishing us when He took Isaiah and Tori Jane home, even amidst our grief and sadness. And while the tidal wave of love and prayers continued to splash over us during that time, I can't help now to see God's goodness and faithfulness through it all. And the love continues to engulf us and we are so humbled.


Kiwirose said…
oh Ange, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, it means the world to know we can pray with you and be along side you even from so far away.
Lots of love and hugs to all four of you!!!
joanna said…
I love you. I'm glad you wrote, becasue I have been wondering how you have been feeling about exactly what you wrote. Sophia and I have painted our toenails purple in your honour. We are carrying you and these babes around in our hearts with us too. There is a really great tree here and I think of you each time I see it.

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