
I am excited to start "fresh" this year - allowing myself time to enjoy the important things in life, trying to embrace the good things that are around me, and actively stressing LESS.

What does this mean?

Well I've decided to spend 20-30 minutes a day actively doing nothing... watching the clouds roll by, sitting at the lake, having a coffee in the back garden, thinking of things I'm thankful for - just sitting and enjoying. There is so much stress in today's society. And I want to make an ACTIVE stand against stress this year!!!

It's interesting that even sharing that here - is difficult. "What?" I can just hear some friends saying "Who has 20-30 min a day to do nothing but stare at the clouds - what a waste of time!"

And to be honest - In fact, after about 8 minutes, I find myself agitated, feeling unproductive, and generally feeling like I am wasting time! However after I've "forced" myself to do this for the full time, I've found that I feel so much more rejuvenated and energetic to carry on with the rest of the day. And my overused mind is better off too!

I've realised in the busy-ness of life, in the stress, it is so easy to really miss the "enjoyment" parts.Who wants to spend their whole life doing things and proving yourself - your worth, your value, your abilities and have nothing to show except a grumpy heart, and tired spirit and body.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a strong believer in hard work, and doing things with excellence which of course, takes time...But are we doing too much!? Are we taking on too many things cause it makes us feel good to be needed and wanted and to show off that we're productive? The trade off for this can be stress, tiredness, negative spirit, a complaining attitude, ill health, poor relationships, and the list goes one. We sell our free time, our health, our friends, our joy for status.

We are a society of always "doing", always "achieving", always having to "prove ourselves"... in essence allowing our worth to come from what others think around us and by what we can produce, rather than who we are - What I mean is - does it matter if people acknowledge how great you are? Can you be confident in yourself without the express acceptance of everyone around you?

I've also found that stressing less also includes letting go of past bad experiences and moving on. Not ignoring the pain, but allowing yourself to hope for something better in the future.

It's good to be active, it's good to be involved - But what good is it if you can't enjoy it!

Last night Leigh and I enjoyed spending time making some VERY yummy sushi, miso soup, and tempura. That was REAL good for the soul!


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