Good Bye 18th Street House

Today was our last day at the 18th street house.

Many staff and students have come and stayed here over the past few years.
If only the walls could talk, I'm sure there would be some interesting stories to tell.Wow - I think that's the last of historical items around. It seems like we're saying good bye to everyone AND everything these days - although I have to admit, I've enjoyed the militant discard of items (not people, but items). I like throwing things away - there's definitely an art to it, that not many possess.


j. oates said…
i could tell some stories about that house.....:i think the best is when our team was quarantine for days after Thailand because of SARS , and our team put a note on the door that said 'SARS HOUSE' and when the postman would come they would start hacking and coughing to scare the guy away......that was audrey's team..:)
Angela Oliver said…
jessi - that is hilarious. i forgot all about that!
Heather said…
wow that really is sad.. i stayed there when i first came for the wake tour.. wow momentous! thanks for posting.. geez made me cry...
Ariana said…
I too am excellent at throwing things away... Perhaps too good...
Kristina said…
aw, I missed out on ywam fun...
flibirdijibit said…
yes I have to agree with you that throwing stuff out feels really good! Cathartic really.
Emily Deu said…
hey heather, do you remember when everyone was hanging out in the living room and we were not getting enough attention so we went into the kitchen and started pretend laughing to to get people to come by us, and it worked! The party surrounded us and we soaked it up, we were so cool! (that was also on Audrey's dts and when you were living there.)I also helped pierce audrey's nose in that house, and played truth of dare and jo mansfield had to put ketchup and mustard on her feet and eat it, it was sick!
Angela Oliver said…
wow - ya know I don't have a great story from that house cause I never stayed there...but I KNEW there'd be some good ones.
I'm enjoying the read!
Leigh Oliver said…
I helped pierce Ryan's ears in that house. It must have had some sort of weird piercing vibe or something.
Ryan said…
Actually leigh tried pretty hard but i was actually Kat who gets the credit of peircing my ears in that house. I also remeber the washing machine flooding the basement twice and me mopping it up, I also remeber Ben coombe doing quite the dance routine Stefan and I will never breakfast.

yes he was nude.
Oh Joy said…
Oh gosh you KNOW I can discard...I have that art MASTERED! I can even discard and no one ever knows what I discarded or when or's an art I tellz ya.
i have lived i that house for 3 schools, the memories are endless. i feel so sad, you guys are taking away all my favorite places!! you know ange, i have a memory of you in that house, on my dts you were babysitting the davies kids, and i came upstairs and you were making mac and cheese, i remember thinking, wow shes cool with a lip ring and her cool hair and her cool were kind of my secret rockstar idol...but dont tell anyone i said that ok?! so seriously, on my dts i danced in my underwear in that kitchen, on another i slid down the steps on a foamy in my underwear, and then on another dts, i answered the phone in my underwear on the first day of dts infront of the new students...i guess i like being in my underwear!??!! anyway, change is good, and i am excited for ywam vancouver...i just keep saying, I RELEASE IT GOD!!!!
Oh Joy said…
Do I know why you had to give the house back?
Lindsey said…
wow, i am so sad that the 18th street house is gone. john and i found that house for the first dts i staffed. oh the memories!

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