Blast from the Past

I got a call from an old friend today, Mike Wright! Amazing! Since graduating we may have only seen each other twice. That is over 10 years ago now- unbelievable! It was so awesome to connect with him again. He has moved to this area and is flying planes, and has a nice girlfriend whom we also got to meet.

Mike brought me back to the days when life was so simple - and yet so complicated. Aaaah the high school years - Ya know, you'd go to school, annoy the teachers, talk about smoking and going for coffee, and discuss the latest hot gossip of who's dating who (or who wanted to date whom!). Add a flavour of "short jokes" and basketball, with a dollop of insecurity, and you'd have my high school years in a nut shell.

Anyways it was so interesting talking to someone you haven't seen much since high school. Where do you start? What do you say? And think of all the changes that have happened since then. What are the most important and life changing stories to share. Of course - my wedding pictures!!!! It seemed we hardly had enough time to talk about everything AND reminisce of days of old. Good thing we didn't have to do it all in one day!

Well, it was quite a trip - to see him and his parents - and meet his girl.
Oh the Glory Days!


flibirdijibit said…
That is awesome! And what a great pic!
Crystal said…
Wow! So great when we connect with those from our past. Cool that you even got to see his parents. I was shocked to hear over the holidays from someone from the past who I wasn't even friends with until after we both left high school. amazing what time can do!
Mystique said…
Yes it is good to meet up with old high school friends. I too went to school with you and mike and just so happened to come across your blog, so I thought I would drop a line. Happy belated birthday by the way.

Ariana said…
Why are your pictures so small? Gosh!
Oh Joy said…
The pictures aren't that small to me. Do you have computer issues?

Anyway, there's MIKE!! That's cool. My baby is wearing the Mike Wright Teletubbie outfit circa 1999 even as we speak.

I don't really communicate with anyone I went to school with, except my sister if that counts. I do communicate with LOTS of people YOU went to school with though.

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