Snow Daze

It has been a beautiful winter wonderland here in Vancouver. It reminds me of home - the quietness of it, and the beauty it brings. Snow here is rare, and I'm just glad it's not raining for awhile, although many Vancouverites tell me that "you don't have to shovel the rain!"
Also people in Vancouver are not the best winter drivers, especially snow covered ice. It makes for slow driving days, but forces people to slow down and take notice of life around them.


Ryan said…
Yay for slowing down and noticing life. Although, these vancouverites still don't know the joy of plugging in your car the night before, sweeping all snow in morning, scrapping ice from your windshield, a then running back inside the house while the car warms up.

I love winter!
jamie said…
Normally i would like the snow but to be honest, for the 40-50 minutes that I drive each day, it causes nothing but anxiety in me. I would actually prefer the rain (gasp!) I say this as a car driver though..and If i wasn't I would agree whole heartedly.
Mark said…
Looks like fun.

We've had a full week of 35+ days.

A fare contrast
Crystal said…
Now you jsut need a little wind chill and then you can truly enjoy your snow.
Ross O said…
Just a little bit more snow than we got here******
Ariana said…
Ooohh, I just put up a snow picture at my blog, too.

You're right; it is REALLY pretty here when it snows, and things do get oddly quiet, but... in the grand scheme of things, I could definitely live without it. What makes me laugh the most is how inept Vancouverites are at snow. My neighbours were scraping off their car with a piece of cardboard!! And they drive at like 5km! It's pretty cute. The greatest of all, though, is the umbrellas in the snow. Heeehehehe.
Benjamin said…
Ahhh some cool relief would be nice! I would die here without the airconditioner. 30+ every day and very high humdity. The storms will start soon, a mixed blessing. Great after work, but storms at work very scarry. Miss you guys heaps. Miss the couv heaps. It's been over a year now.
Oh well. Cheers.
P.S. Leigh. We're slaying the poms in the Ashes. Last year was a fluke!
Sezzy said…
Hey Ange! Thats right i have finally joined the blogger world!
The snow looks so gorgeous! i love snow!!!
Heather said…
im not going to look at your blog anymore.. its always the same!!

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