
Ben, and his MAF flying friend Matt, took Leigh and I on a 3 hour joy ride in a Cessna 172 ?? I think...
It was so much fun. And what gorgeous views. We travelled from Melbourne down to the south coast, along the coast and back up. We landed in LaTrobe to get more fuel, and continued on.
If you have a fear of flying I wouldn't suggest going in a small plane! on the coast we hit some good turbulance throwing us up and down. Fortunately we kept our food down. Well, Matt was actually having lunch at the time, not thinking anything of it,...
Ben commented "wow, I've never been thrown out of my seat before!" but also had a very relaxed look about him.
From that point on, I felt a little ill... but we sure had a great time - and got some great photos!
What couple gets to go on a scenic flying tour for free on their honeymoon?
Thanks Ben and Matt!
well merry christmas lovely.
i miss you
hey your bday is soon!
and does leigh ahve brown hair??