Another Day in Melbourne

Look who's come to town! YWAM Vancouver takes on Melbourne...


jamie said…
hey ange what great pics! thanks for showing us that ben mad it home alive and well..
and i like the one with the giant ornament...what a weird statue.
So when do you come home??
Kristina said…
cool to the the aussie boys in aussie land. love the city decor.
Heather said…
awww this is such a great post. so glad you all got to hang out.. miss you lots. yeah when are you coming home?????
Ryan said…
OUR AUSSIES!!! IN AUSTRALIA?!?! man, i miss those guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
can't wait to see you and leigh again soon!! Ben and simon, ill see you guys when i come to australia. whynot?
globebug said…
GREAT to see you're having such a good time over there!!! simon looks just the same...send him my love whenever you see him next!

so how long are you sticking around oz for? enjoy a warm christmas...(i'd take it over cold anyday)!!

love heidi x

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