I Tried to Kill My Mother In Law

The other day, I had a hankering for mom's homemade fresh baked buns - YUM! So I went through all of the hallaballoo of calling mom and getting her to send me the recipe, and getting all the proper ingredients for it as well.

It was the perfect time to make them too, as we were having guests over for lunch, and I thought it would be great to impress them with mom's good ol' homemade buns!

It wasn't to be...as the buns turned out horribly wrong. Really doughy hockey pucks...Ross (Leigh's dad) who usually will encourage me on anything I've done, even said we should throw them out into the bushes - the dog won't even eat them... harumph!

Well, I started cleaning the baking dishes, and of course this specific tap is very tempermental, and it chose this opportunity (5 min before guests arrive) to spray all over my shirt and all over the floor.
"Oh Dangit"

Leigh's mom, Carlene, sees my predicament, and hurriedly stops what she is doing, to help me in my endeavors. In her hurry, she slips on the water on the tile floor and crashes hard on the floor. Some daughter-In-laws would purposely try and find ways to rid themselves of their M-i-L...but who could get this timing so perfect. Carlene was in the middle of cutting something, when the shananigans began, and fell with scissors in her hand!

Fortuntatly there were no major mishaps, but I think she wonders if I tried to kill her...

She survived....and now I've got to watch my back!


Kristina said…
ha ha, your funny. hey have you been looking at my blog? 'cause I dont have a red dot from australia on my site counter map. I want a red dot!!!! give it to me!!!!!aaaaaahhh! precious.
Oh Joy said…
Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee. What the heck went wrong with your buns??????????

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