Praise - Day 21

Praise God that He is victorious over evil.

As we face our many adversities on earth- Especially today- I feel a sense of strength when I read the scripture and see that God reigns in the end. He is the one who is victorious over evil. Even tho pain and suffering are here for today- one day  all evil will be dispelled.  So I do not need to fear the one in the world. He promises that a time will come when every tribe tongue and nation will bow before Him in worship. All will bow down. All creation will sing His praise together - imagine what that kind of worship service will be like!
I was just contemplating yesterday how God has always been faithful to His promises. And this promise will come true too!

John 16:33 says
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Today take some time to listen to

No Longer Slaves- by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser

What. Beautiful Name It Is - Hillsong


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