Praise - Day 21
Praise God that He is victorious over evil.
As we face our many adversities on earth- Especially today- I feel a sense of strength when I read the scripture and see that God reigns in the end. He is the one who is victorious over evil. Even tho pain and suffering are here for today- one day all evil will be dispelled. So I do not need to fear the one in the world. He promises that a time will come when every tribe tongue and nation will bow before Him in worship. All will bow down. All creation will sing His praise together - imagine what that kind of worship service will be like!I was just contemplating yesterday how God has always been faithful to His promises. And this promise will come true too!
John 16:33 says
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
Today take some time to listen to
No Longer Slaves- by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser
What. Beautiful Name It Is - Hillsong