To Be Actively Grateful

I think it’s been 5 years since I last made time to sit and write here... A huge part of that is the lack of time , creativity, and energy to do it. It’s been good to record details in snippets on FB so I don’t forget the seasons, but now that the boys are finally in Grade 1 and Aliyah is in Kinder (pre-school) it has created some space for me to consider writing again.... My friend Tara (who has her own set of twins) said it best... when the kids turn 5 there will be a big celebration! All 3 of mine have finally reached that magic number.

Gone are the days of sheer exhaustion and what felt like unending wild chaos. Thank goodness! Now it’s just a “general tiredness” that stealthily sneaks its weariness in when I stand still.
The kids sleep through the night, go to the toilet, and dress themselves without too much help from me. That’s a huge win. They are also getting better at making their own breakfast, putting their toys away, and cleaning their rooms, which leaves the bulk of my household duties to be washing giant loads of limitless laundry, managing conflict, and feeding the children constantly...

And boy do they eat- it is phenomenal the amount they consume- ALL DAY LONG! And there seems to be no end in sight. Levi (now 61/2) has already grown past my shoulder!!! It will not be long until I am again the shortest one in the family. 

Today was a fun day. And I want to celebrate that. I have been in a bit of a slump for the last while, and have had a hard time getting on top of it. I am not in a really deep dark place- or anything- just a boring ol’ slump that feels dull...and well... boring.

I know I  am blessed to have good friends and good family around me (I mean we actually like each other enough to spend almost every Saturday having breakfast together) and I know I am lucky to live where I do with the beautiful things I have... but isn’t it true- that sometimes even when we have so much we can still battle the slumps.

So to battle- I decided to take note of every beautiful 
moment in the day I have been given. To be actively grateful. I take a moment to stop- and breathe in- to inhale the goodness of the present moment. It sounds strange, but it’s super simple- breathing is life.

Today Aliyah held my hand during lunch and told me an imaginative story about being an Aliyah super-hero. I watched each expression and looked at her precious hand in mine and thanked God for a such a beautiful gift in that moment. (Breathing in) I realise, she may not be open like this with me forever so I will treasure this in my heart.

Later on our family went on an adventure to Wombat Hill Botanical Gardens. When we arrived there wasn’t time to stop and smell the roses as each one of my energetic children explored the park at full speed. We decided to let them run themselves ragged... up and down the autumn coloured hills, because enjoying the moment to the full for them included running and exploring it with their whole selves. (breathing in the crisp air as they ran) 

I gloried in the beautiful sunshine and the breathtaking views surrounding me while I tried to catch up. 

I was smart enough to create a scavenger hunt for them to help them stop for a bit and actually notice their surroundings as well. 

It was a good day to live, to breathe, to be actively grateful.


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