The Best Artist

This morning we woke to frost on the ground. And to many of us “hurriers”, it is a serious offence... often because we are running late to the next thing. Having to stop to defrost the car adds minutes you can’t possibly produce. But it happens and you have no choice. You will be late.
So you sit and blast the air and crank the windscreen wipers to high (if they can move). If you’re really proactive you may even get a bucket of water out. I remember days in Canada using old CD cases - and in some instances, tape cassette cases to scrape the windows down.
We have no time for this kind of nonsense. Not in today’s day and age. But then I stop and I look. And the visual on the windscreen takes my breath away.
Fern like patterns display across my window and I am in awe of its beauty. As I wait I am forced to look and really see my Creator lavishing His most beautiful masterpieces before me and I savour and enjoy the brilliance of His work.  To be too hurried to take in the FREE temporary gallery before me seems like a sin- so I accept the gift with joy and worry about my tardiness another time.


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