Moving Day! An Historical Day...

Wow! I can hardly believe that 9 months ago, we had temporarily moved to some offices on 1st/Commercial, as our epic journey of getting an elderly care facility on Napier Street unfolds. We have been on one huge roller coaster ride in gaining this property.

Well we got word that by June 1st we needed to be out of our temporary office space on 1st/Commercial as they had others moving in there. This did not disappoint me much. It was an awesome gift for the church to give us this space, but it was far from beneficial for us, and I was ready to move.

[Praying before we move at 1st/Commercial]

On Friday (4 days ago) we were given the go-ahead that we could move in and occupy the first 2 floors of the NAPIER STREET building - YAY!!!!

[The Napier Building]

What this means is that we will use the space only for offices, as we await our new rezoning application approval from the city. In the meantime, the owner wants to sell it to us...1.2 million. I look forward to handing that cheque over soon. LOL!

[The MA Office]

The place feels monstrous in comparison to our tiny little one-room office space on 1st, yet I chuckled at how quickly the space has been outgrown. How does this happen? Did we not throw away like multiple loads of crap a year ago...(twice!) ah man...where does all this stuff come from?

A Pile of Junk!!!

Anyways, we had an MA team in the city to help us move, and we had our first day in the buiding today! It literally takes us 5 min to walk to work now...crazy!

[Good Help!]

God has used the time at 1st/Commercial as a gestation period in building our community of staff so strong. I think God knew that these big brick walls could cause division if we weren't careful and intentional. And I'm so in love with our staff and their passion for the city, I'm amazed. I can't believe the things that are stirring in our staff to reach this city. so cool. And so much of it was tied into the process of getting into this building. And now we dream... even more.

[A kitchen with a dishwasher AND a gas stove???!!!]

It has not fully sunk in yet that we are in this space... a place we have been praying for it seems like forever!!! It's unreal. I watched Jo place the Inukshuk right at the desk where you walk in. Is this really happening? Crazy


Thank you Lord.


Carlene said…
So glad you are finally out of the basement. Have fun!
Mark said…
That is AWESOME news. My well wishes and prayers go out to you guys at the start of this new chapter for YWAM Vancouver.
Kiwirose said…
Can't even really believe I missed all that day. But looking forward to being back there with all of you guys.
jamie said…
wow..i've got to come check that out!
philter said…
yea Napier Building
Anonymous said…
wow...thats incredible. Good thing you got to move out of 1st ave before next winter rolled along. brrrr.
Kristina said…
that is so Awesome! I kind wish I could have been there.
Lindsey said…
that's amazing angela!!! yeah! i am so excited for you guys!
jamie said…
oh btw - 4 workers include: rita, linda, me, henri

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