A Big Week!

It's been a big week - we are now past the 32 week mark, which means we can stay in Ballarat and have the children here! That brings me so much relief! But now, I've all of a sudden realised that these 2 little ones will be here soon - and I feel so ill-prepared! Many people have dropped off second hand items that we can use, but since I've not been able to move around much, it sits in piles - in about 3 different rooms now...waiting to be sorted, and waiting to be organised! AAAHHHHHH!!

I've been doing pretty well, but experiencing quite a bit of pain as I seem to now have pelvic instability. So lying down, walking, rolling over, standing, etc. hurts like crazy... And of course, the babies are happiest when I'm lying down, so I'm trying to do what I can to be as comfortable as possible - while still helping them to be happy, and dealing with braxton hicks on top of it. I know it's only going to get more difficult...but I keep reminding myself it won't last forever.

My diabetes readings have been great, so we have that well under control now. I am still pricking my finger and testing throughout the day to make sure we are staying on top of it.

I had a CTG on Friday where they monitor the heart rates and movements of the babies. Usually this takes 20-30 minutes, but because these little ones are so active, it took much longer. They kept kicking the dopplers 'til they slid off, and kept rolling around to make it difficult to monitor their heart beats. I was to push a button every time I felt movement from each of them, and I have to say there was hardly a time where there wasn't movement - so I guess it's safe to say they have good heartbeats, and good movement! We will have to continue these tests every week.

On Saturday, I shocked the entire state of Victoria and had a baby shower on Grand Final day. Horror of horrors! For my Canadian friends, Grand final is a big sporting footy event, that is massively huge. But with the risk of the kids coming "any day" and the limited amount of weekends that were available before the kids arrival, we decided to go ahead with it anyways. There was still quite a good turn out - and I was really blessed by those who came to wish us well. Thank you so much to all those that came (especially those that sacrificed to be here!! lol!) I understand that means a lot!

Here's a few pics from the day...

Carlene, Me, Sarah

Cutting the Cake

Twin Baby Dolls

Opening Presents.

Figuring out the quilting squares

Hanging out with Asha and Elephant

Trying to guess the baby food

Enjoying some "real" food!



Kim Arpin-Ricci said…
So excited you made it! Love you heaps Kim

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