Celebrating 25 weeks!

Well! I've had a bit of a break from blogging it seems! You know how crazy "hectic" my schedule is with sleeping, and eating, and watching TV - hard to keep up!

It's week 25!!! And I'm celebrating!

Things are going along pretty well. My tummy now has a mind of it's own - well, really two minds of their own. It's a bit alien to watch my stomach move without me being the one to move it. It reminds me of this ad that comes on TV here and it makes me laugh...Click on this picture to check out the ad...

Recently I just finished the book "Twin Sense" by Dagmara Scalise and have felt slightly overwhelmed by the sheer work of raising twins. I knew it would be harder than raising a singleton (as she refers to families with one baby) but I became exhausted by reading about the work of preparing the kids just to feed, let alone bathing or changing them! I am now waiting for a book called Twins 101 which will hopefully explain a few more things that Leigh and I are still trying to work through as far as "How does that work with two?". Because of bedrest I've had to miss our birthing classes, so I'm trying to read up on as much as I can on my own.

I visited my OB this week, and he's delighted with my progress. He did a scan and noticed the children are sitting in the best position right now to keep weight off. They are stacked like pancakes on top of each other, with one head one way and the other head the other way across my stomach. Both kids heartbeats are good. Next week the doctor has organised for me to get 2 steroid shots, in the event they should try to arrive early. What this means for me is that I get to leave the house TWICE next week! I know it's a pretty big deal!

Now that I've hit the 25 week mark, my mind has allowed me the privilege to plan and prepare for these children, and I've started to think about how we'd like to decorate the nursery and what kind of pram or car seats we'd like to have. I'll post more on this later.

I've been overwhelmed by the amount of celebrations this past week. Congrats to YWAM friend Audge on the birth of her baby Finn, and to YWAM friend Hannah on the birth of her baby Gabriel, and to neighbour friend Jody on the birth of her baby Jesse. Also congrats to cousin Rebekah on being able to take preemie Caleb home from the hospital this week, and to YWAM friends Jamie and Kim who will bring home their little one Micah, from Ethiopia this coming Monday!! Also, I'm so excited for my pseudo-sister Ariana getting engaged this week. I'm so proud of you and your journey and where God has led you - love you!

Sigh...So much joy!


Ariana said…

I'm proud of YOU for being such an amazing, sacrificial mother. Your kids must already be so stoked about being YOUR kids. I know I would be. :D

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