The Aussie Bushfires

Well as most of you know by now, the State I am living in (Victoria) has been ravaged by fires. The drought has only aided in fueling the fires, and with so many racing along it is hard to comprehend the aftermath. They are saying that this is the worst natural disaster in Australia's history.
Hundreds of people have lost their homes - More than 750 homes... many have lost their lives.... their loved ones... and animals and burnt out cars are scattered everywhere.

We are fortunate enough to escape the blazes here in Ballarat, but it seems everywhere you go, someone knows someone that's a victim of the fires, or is connected somehow.

I was upset that people with families would choose to stay and try to protect their homes and lands from the blaze, only to be killed from the inferno, but Leigh was telling me that Australians are taught to plug their gutters, and water down their houses -and to stay inside....that you have a better chance of survival in your home than you do in your car trying to outrun the blaze. I guess it is easy to get stuck in a blaze trying to drive out.

There are burnt out cars that attest to this fact - with victims inside.
One of the worst things about this is that there are suspected arsonists that started at least 2 of the 20(some) fires. I can't help but be so angry at them... How stupid.

Here's a story of one woman's escape with her young son: "I thought we were going to die," she told the Australian newspaper, explaining how she ran for her life as her home was engulfed. "The two front rooms were ablaze. I couldn't see. It was black. We went down to the creek and we hid," she said. A shallow puddle proved their salvation, as [she] doused a blanket and awaited their fate. "This little one was so brave under the blanket," she said. "We had a blanket over us in the creek and we huddled with the dog and two neighbours and two lyrebirds. "It was shallow, a summer creek, but there was just enough water, a puddle. We sat in a muddy puddle under a wet blanket and the fire went through us."

The fires continue to blaze on - although they are not as bad as the weather has cooled. Many around the world are incredibly supportive with donations, but it's the loss of friends and family that will be the most difficult to overcome.

This is the Buchanan children. They did not survive.

Please take time to pray today.


Emily Deu said…
wow Ange, those pictures are disturbing, yet fire is sometimes beautiful, it's weird (as in it looks beautiful but deadly).

We have had very similar fires here in Los Angeles, whole areas burned up. I remember hearing stories of people diving in their pools and keeping just their mouths out while everything burned around you.

I also get angry when about half of the fires here happen from arson and I can't believe someone would do something like that.

Love you and praying for your state.

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