Grow Little Garden Grow!

It's September, and my mother in law informed me yesterday that it's time to plant our gardens! How exciting. I love plants - watching them grow, and of course eating all the yummy veggies that grow in the garden.

I remember growing up, weeding so much garden - my mother had a field - a field of potatoes to plant and pick, a field of peas, uggh! I hated picking peas and BEANS. And worst still was the shelling of the peas or making the french cut beans, then blanching them, and packing them into the freezer for winter. Oh but I sure loved eating them all up! Sometimes making myself sick!

It's strange to think that we are in spring now. Weird how seasons "go" with certain months around the world. I certainly don't think of Sept as a "spring"month - nor a time to plant a garden! When I think of spring I think of March and April - rebirth, new growth, the beginning - tulips and Easter, crocus', the sun warming the earth, calving, the smell of dirt as you work to plant the fields, melting snow, puppies. I am joyful - with anticipation - believing in new things.

Here's the kicker - the Australian farmers plant their fields around May (same as us) yet they don't harvest til November. Yet you don't plant your garden til Sept, and sometimes you can plant other stuff at other times of the year. It really throws you for a loop! From a farm kids' perspective, it's hard not knowing when the seasons are upon us!

But here is our tiny little garden... a tribute to the beginning of another new season!


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