A Pilot named Ben

So this is a post for those of you who know our friend

We just spent 24 hours hanging out with Ben, and had a great time together. He came over to our house, Tuesday afternoon, and we literally didn't stop talking 'til he left Wednesday afternoon. It was good to reminisce about our days in YWAM...to catch him up to speed on the most recent happenings, to be caught up to speed on his most recent happenings, and to spent lots of time talking about what could be next (for all of us)

It is really refreshing to talk with someone that knows you. I liked talking about deeper things, about dreams, and just laughing together. Ben STILL makes me laugh just as much as he used too...but somehow he doesn't seem to be as crass! Maybe he is growing up? SCARY!

We even were able to Skype with Wade and Jo, and Ben got to see his God-daughter Eleanor for the first time! He said he was trying not to cry the whole time! aawww (I'm letting all his secrets out now!)

He has had some pretty crazy adventures in Arnhem Land...and immediately directed me to the Australia map - as Ben does, to show me his most recent whereabouts.

We had GOOD coffee together (thanks to Jacqui and Stu's birthday gift to me!) and even tried to go for Thai food in memory of the Drive, but it was closed.

But best part of all is... he lives 30 min from our house, so we get to see him A LOT! yay! I'm so happy about that...


Rachel said…
Me, i know ben! im so jealous but happy that you got to hang out and have a fun time together!
miss you all...
lots of love,
rach x x x
Kristina said…
yay, good to hear about Ben!
jamie said…
awww...how fun! Miss you all so much, I know what you mean about being around people who 'know' you. We don't any of them here either and it's hard!

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