
On Easter Sunday we had dinner with our friends, and watched their daughter discover the chocolate easter hunt again. She is a joy!

On Monday some YWAM staff and friends had a potluck dinner together at Pam's new place in Burnaby.

Here's the girls chillin' at Pams...

And here's the guys chillin' at Pams...

Here's me kicking everyone's butt at Uno (um, not really)

Here's the tulips Leigh got me for Easter...

and Here's me - and you can sort of see my new cute spring hair cut.


Carlene said…
Are they short curls I see. Cant wait to see in real life.
jamie said…
love the haircut ange! I saw it at the easter thing and was like..whoa that's hot!
Beth said…
Hey Angela!

Just saying hi and sending you some love from Ontario!
Lindsey said…
very cute new spring hair cut!
Ross O said…
Hey Ang, looking good girl.
Mark said…
Loving the new do Ange. Wish I could see it in person. :(
Oh Joy said…
Okay so you got a haircut and that usually means in about 6 weeks I should be headed in for one (heehee, I said headed in and it's my hair, on my head...)

Anyway, trying to wait until closer to the June festivities. I'm kinda a two haircuts a year kind of girl. I like the challenge of trying to manage it after about the 4 month mark.
Oh Joy said…
Oh, and it wouldn't kill ya to call me once in awhile.

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