Planes, Trains, and Other Transport (no photos of automobiles available)

I realized in the last post that I didn't tell you all what I was doing in Mexico.

First off, my brother Jason is getting married. We are so excited that we are able to be here to celebrate this big day with him - thanks to all of you that made this happen - we are truly blessed and humbled!

Anyways, he and Blanca will be married here in Monterrey on Saturday, and afterwards we are heading over to the West Coast of Mexico to attend an International Mission Adventures conference in Ensenada.

This too will be a great time of connecting with other YWAM family from around the world that are also running the same program that we are running in Vancouver. It is amazing and inspiring to hear stories of thousands of young kids world-wide getting involved in missions.

We flew from Seattle to Los Angeles to San Diego, and then from San Diego to Houston to Monterrey all today, and so I can say that we are tired. It was great to finally be here, and I wasn't sure if it was the long journey to get here or not, but I was so overwhelmed and relieved to see Jason and Blanca on the other side of customs and immigration that I found myself choking back tears.

Anyways here's two photos from the traveling adventures - yes! that's a train (our transport from Seattle to Tacoma) and this is Leigh with the big plane.


Crystal said…
Soooo happy to hear you are able to be at Jason & Blanca's wedding!
Stu Bish said…
I was riding home from missions fest with Kim tonight, and the temperature was a balmy -28 degrees...

and you're in mexico.... and Kim and me decided that, that sux!

-28, only to get colder.

That is all.
joanna said…
soph has now learned how to say sic-ic-xico. she today discussed how you are at a wedding like craig and jamie's and how palm trees grow tall where you are.
thinking of you at the wedding today, can't believe you're there! sing up a storm, soak up the sun...don't worry the baby knows it is not allowed to come out until you are home...
love you!
ps are the ambros 5 and jud and diane there too?
Oh Joy said…
Nope we are not there. No $$time$$ to be there. But yes, Jud/Diane are there.

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