Super Size this!

My husband introduced me to something new Deep Fried Mars Bars. It looks extremely gross, and psychologically it's one of the worst things I could imagine allowing my body to consume. Kurtis and Leigh both insisted that they were good. So, Louise and I tentatively tried it, and then we realized how truly yummy they were! Don't judge me, okay!


Kristina said…
dont give in to the insanity! its evil, I tell you!!!!!
Oh Joy said…
You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!!! No. Leigh stop it. STOP IT NOW!!!! And you stop eating that crap. Your bro says "I judge you".
Ariana said…
I want one.
jamie said…
judging judging judging

i had one of those at cornerstone once but i didnt like it because it was too much like a corn dog...
Heather said…
say it so!
Heather said…
yikes that was supposed to be
say it ain't so...
i'm loosing it.
Ryan said…
Welcome to the dark side. mmmm dark battered deep fired chocolate. agghahghagh.....
Oh Joy said…
Why don't you just go and eat that big hunk of lard you had me shower with???!!!???
Kristina said…
it,s eeeeeeeevil!!! eeeevil! like the froo-eets of the deville. ("so I married an axe murderer" quote)
Leigh Oliver said…
It's no worse than eating a mars bar and a small fries from McDonalds. Actually I'm sure the fries from McDonalds would be worse.
Carlene said…
Alrighty then! So the woman made me do it did she? Did she just! And now who has got all the bases on sharing around the evil temptations! Uh? Uh??
THE MAN!!! Thats who! And I thought I had raised the good son! Sorry Ange.
Emily Deu said…
I never had the guts to try one of those...but I was tempted every day as I walked by that shop.
Anonymous said…
i need the recipe. and by need i mean, MUST HAVE the recipe! Please post it on my blog. THANKX!!!!
Anonymous said…
(because i'm not quite fat enough.)

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