
We had a great Easter this year celebrating with the Pallisters family first and had Jo's parents stay with us for a few days. Here is Sophia enjoying yet some more "chocolate" from Auntie Angee...(there is no stopping me!)
The day they left we were excited to have my brother and sister n law and their kids come and stay with us for a few days too.There was lots of Egg hunting, and food consumption. The Lord has been good to us, although I am still righting myself after a bout of illness.
Leigh and I didn't forget each other this Easter either. In the middle of the night, Leigh set up an egg hunt for me to do when I awoke in the morning. Without knowing it, I bought Leigh the same chocolate eggs and Chocolate Easter egg that he got me...However he did add a rather lovely/soft stuffed bunny to the loot as well.
What a great holiday!


jamie said…
Hey ange, thanks for posting the pics from the easter party. What a blast. It's definetly my favorite easter thing i've ever been to.

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