Longboarding in Saskatchewan

You guys HAVE to check this out! My cousins filmed themselves longboarding down the coulee* hill near my parents farm in Saskatchewan clocking themselves at 40 miles/hr. Devinder was skating and Jai was filming. Crazy guys!
Click here to check it out!

*def of coulee:(koo'lee)
n. 1. A deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides, often dry in summer.
2. A valley with hills on either side.


Oh Joy said…
Crazy-silly isn't it? And while your niece said "he should NOT be doing that" your nephew said "that a fun skateboard guy". **Sigh**
Leigh Oliver said…
Hmm... Maybe I need to get Jake a skateboard?
Oh Joy said…
Oh please do that.
Reesh said…
Vic and`Allison and Andrew will be here from March 21-27 if you want to come over for a visit then.

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