I had so much fun on my birthday! I first woke up to a wonderful breakfast of coffee, eggs, and bacon and pineapple. Leigh gave me a bunch of wonderful gifts: Hawaiian women calendar, necklace, cuff, and magnet. Afterwards, he took me to the Polynesian Cultural Centre where 7 different polynesian villages were represented. In each village you'd learn about their culture, and see wonderful presentations that included the history of the people, and their ways. I crowned myself queen for the day, with a Hawaiian head piece, and Leigh and I got fake tattoos for fun!
During the day you could wander around to these different villages and see the different ways that people lived. Throughout all of the villages a river flowed, and a parade of dancers were found floating down to the wonderful sounds of drums and guitars and/or ukuleles.
At Supper time, we attended a LUAU - We were given real flower leis which were beautiful and we ate a bunch of yummy different types of food including pig roasted in the ground the real authentic way. I was also celebrated with a special Hawaiian song and dance cause it was my birthday, and then later on since we were on our honeymoon we were honoured again, and had to go on stage and dance in front of everyone. It was scary!
Afterwards, we went for an evening of entertainment after the dinner luau that was on a half outdoor stage with waterfalls, and mountains, etc. There we saw incredible dances, and fire tricks, native songs, and a representation of all the various cultures again. The crowd favourite is always the fire dancers, but I kept thinking how priveleged we are in YWAM to see these kinds of performances all the time.

I had such a fabulous time, and can't wait to get back to Canada to show you all the rest of my pictures (hopefully you have a day or two!)


Reesh said…
Happy Birthday!!!
Ryan said…
happy birthday and i wanna see photos!!!
Oh Joy said…
Hmmm, well I am not sure Saskatchewan can top that...I can make you a crown of barbed wire fencing? I can make some sort of plastic fruit arrangement. And I guess I could dance. We did come up with a routine of sorts for "One Heart" by Celine Dion before Ah-eee & Reesh got hitched. It involved lifts. Would that do?
Heather said…
yeah your home your home. i want to see you!! hurry!! i missed you!
jamie said…
wow ange those pics were awesome! I can't wait to hear all about everything... i'll see you soon!
Lindsey said…
wow, what a wonderful birthday! that is so cool that you got to spend your birthday in hawaii

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