Praise- Day 14

Praise God that He sustains me

When I share my faith journey with others, I have been asked many times, “When you walked away from Christ what made you come back?” or “Why did you even bother returning back to Jesus after experiencing real freedom?”

And I reply “Because I have found nothing else on earth satisfies my soul like He does.”

Even though I grew up in a Christian household, I had a skewed understanding of what faith in Jesus was all about.  So when I graduated, I felt compelled to search for something much less “strict and disciplinary”. Tho I had many powerful and moving experiences as a Christian, I felt like I wanted to have a go at seeing what the world had to offer. And for a LONG while I tried a lot of things! And to be honest a lot of things of this world- were fun and crazy and full of excitement - so I didn’t hurry back... until... after awhile these wild crazy adventures started to feel like they were the same story over and over again. Do something stupid- laugh about it, cry myself to sleep in loneliness and repeat.

After a few years- that too became boring- so then I began to up the anti- looking for the next thrill around the next corner. Well that too became boring- and the more I upped the anti- the more taxing it became to me physically and spiritually. I started not to like who I was anymore.

One day I remember shouting into the air “there must be something more than this!” And after my voice stopped echoing, I felt God speak to me (so strong and so strange as I hadn’t heard His voice in a long time) and He said “There is”

That was the moment I started turning back to Him. It didn’t all happen right away but slowly He drew me back to Him.
After seeking healing and finding God in a real personal and tangible way I recognised that what I was really hungry for  was Him. I wanted the thrill and adventure to be about seeking His ways not mine! And I felt myself become more and more satisfied every time I came to feast on His word and marinate in His presence.

At one point I used to listen to a lot of Vineyard Music
This song Hungry was one that I grew to love
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