2nd Anniversary!

Leigh is such a great person to be married too! I love spending time with him. I love how he always serves me. He is a great friend, and he is so thoughtful. I love how he only likes specific things, but he really loves those things... alot - like food..., and I realize I laugh a lot around him.
He also will always try to put God first no matter what - trying to do what's right so that he doesn't waste his life! I love how that challenges me to do the same too. I love how easy going he is, and how kids love to be jumping on his head, like our nieces and nephew, and our God children, even to the detriment of his back. I love how he loves mini videos, and making commercials, and playing drums so that people have to dance! I love how he tries to sing, and it's always off-key, and....
I love how he always tries to make time with me the best it can be.
This anniversary was no exception!
We had another great anniversary - we were given a gift certificate this summer for a really nice restaurant called Chambar so we decided to save it and use it for our anniversary.

We almost couldn't spend the entire amount, and it's not a cheap place... we left feeling absolutely full! Mussells and Flat Iron Steak, Venison for Leigh, beans and carmelized shallots, and an honourary starter soup for each of us since the person that got us the gift certificate new the head chef. Yum yum!

We spent the meal reminiscing over the past year, favourite moments, and stressful times, traveling, talking about things we learned, and what the future holds. We had some money that we had saved from gift cards from our wedding 2 years ago that we hadn't used yet, so we decided to use the remaining money as our gifts to each other, and bought ourselves a new camera - isn't she pretty?
And then....
Leigh was sneaky and put some money aside and bought me a gift anyways - that guy!!!
a 1 gb ipod shuffle. It's so tiny... and perfect for walking and travel, etc. I love it!!! It's cute - I named it Aiko - which means "little loved one" in Japanese.
gosh, where has that 2 years gone???
glad you had a good anniversary!
love you and miss you lots!