Sun, Rain and Advil
It's been sunny and warm the last few days. It's amazing how the sun makes me feel. So full of hope, vibrance, and excitement - I'm ready for the future. Today? Well it was cloudy and cold and it even rained a little. I tried to remain upbeat, but all of a sudden my unseen headache turned into a real knocker - oh the agony of a gloomy day. I've realized there's nothing more depressing than not having hope - Maybe not having advil? I'm glad I have hope for the future so that mundane days can become stepping stones to brilliant days. But then it makes me wonder, "Do bright wonderful sunny days make gloomy days seem more depressing?" I suppose that's my pessimism. To a farmer, spring rain can be the beginning of a beautiful hope - a beautiful future to a great harvest. But rain in the wrong season brings death to the bounty, and an end to his year's work and future support. Turn Turn Turn. Sun is vital too, but not to the extent of a drou...