Donkey Days

Well we have gone back to work this week, and I honestly feel like we hit the road with our feet already running. Kind of like Wile E. Coyote, or Flintstones or something like that.

Some major happenings to report tho!

First being that we received our beloved BOSCH in the mail today. Now, this is the ultimate mixer - for breads, cakes, cookies, muffins, etc. And it has a blender too! In with the deal was a hand mixer from Bosch - a wonderful present from my brother and sister-n-law. I was so excited, I practically peed my pants, but opted for making pizza dough from a special homemade cookbook from home instead! It was so yummy!

Later this week, we also received our Cutco "studio set" knife block to put all of our good quality knives in. That way I can stop putting my hand in the drawer and stabbing myself. I was so thrilled to receive Cutco knives but have yet to "stop" cutting my fingers - had another disaster this week and cut a tiny chunk of finger off while slicing onions - on the same finger that I managed to get a sliver of steel embedded in the top of nail! I nearly fainted trying to remove it.

Also, our dryer was supposed to come this week and never showed up, so we had another day at the laundromat - how romantic! But at least it's stopped raining for a few days, so there's hope for drying them outdoors???

Jo's birthday was this week and I was in charge of the "games". We all acted like idiots for yet another meal, but had a good time of it. She is so special to my heart, and I was glad to participate in her special day.

This week, we received our marriage certificate in the mail - It's official...I'm no longer single. I will constantly have to live with dirty socks and underwear. I'm not sure how that's different...but I'm so aware of this as of late, as we continue to finish our unpacking.

And lastly, Leigh and I both got the flu! A good start to getting the program back on track! Through it all we were still able to get our MA emails down from 367 to 82, and have talked to pastors and youth leaders on the phone, and have spent a day meeting with Mike regarding the future of MA with regards to our current timeline (what needs to be done by when, etc.)

As well, I managed to reorganize the filing system, and have cleaned up our office!

All this, and a full house of company! We had Ben and Mel and their daughter stay with us for a few days as well as Bubba from YWAM in Seattle. We were delighted to have them all here!

Today - I've lost my voice. Kind of strange. Having to listen all the time.

I, of course still try to talk, much to Leigh's annoyance...I sound like a "donkey"


Carlene said…
I love the Celebrity Chef photo! I can almost smell the pizza!
And you certainly don't sound like a donkey - a mouse maybe but not a donkey. You tell that boy to behave or I will have to come over and give him a whiping!
Oh Joy said…
BrotherS (plural) and sister in law. That's who you go the bosch from.

Did you use Eva's pizza dough recipe? What kind of pizza did you make???? Oh you so need me there if you are cutting off fingers!!! I am really great at finger situations did you hear??? Check my blog.

I have really come up with some great Drunken Pirate Booty party games! Tell Wade.
Heather said…
i love having you back.. we need to hang out soon.

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