Trip To Lightening Ridge
Over Easter, the Oliver clan went up to visit Carlene's brother at Lightening Ridge. We drove in a "bus" for 15 hours (one way) only to enjoy the festivities for 2 days. I had to laugh at the awesome-ness of such a long trip. These are my 5 highlights. #1 - Running out of fuel - this always makes a better adventure for long road trips - and for good stories at the end...Plus it gave us a break from riding in the bus, and we found a dead carcass - oooh so exciting...a myriad of flies, and some pooh! yes a truly successful road stop to say the least - we were delighted with "Ray" our heroic saviour...who drove Ross to get more fuel, and even brought him back - hooray - we should have given him a cookie - but we didn't. #2 - Experiencing my first Goat and Bin (as in Garbage) races... yes it's true - hundreds gathered around to watch goats race in carts. The best part was it was not safe what-so-ever, and the they kept careening into the onlookers bou...